Love in the Mirror Podcast with Shannon Bodie (Arnett) NBC-HWC

4: What's Weighing You Down - Mental energy, physical, emotional, ways to feel lighter

Shannon with Health Coach Cindy Marshall Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode of Love in the Mirror, Shannon interviews Certified Health Coach Cindy Marshall about her own personal journey with Depersonalization Disorder, and the many strategies she now shares with clients to get free from old weighty mental patterns and habits.
You'll hear her own struggles with staying present, and how her own triumphs help her lead others toward "less pain and more joy."  She shares the challenges and common struggles with avoiding pain, self sabotage, mental imbalance, and how "extra weight" of any kind can a defense mechanism.  You'll also hear strategies that worked for her and tools that helped adrenaline calm down in times of great fear, with greater awareness to the present moment.  Listen for how she meditated, worked with her hormones, caffeine and alcohol, and ultimately stopped fighting with herself.  She also did this 1% at a time, and she explains coaching principles laid out by James Clear and his work in "Atomic Habits" to help get you started with any change!
This episode is an inspiring example of mental discipline and awareness that CAN start to us free from what weighs us down, and bring us into greater control of our own experience!
You can visit Cindy at and email her at

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